Maze Game

by Parallel Realities



Mazes are fun, you walk in one entrance and, after a bit of walking, reach the exit. Hopefully anyway, theres always a chance youll get completely lost and someone will stumble across your slowly rotting corpse a few weeks later.Fortunately you will not suffer this fate by playing this game. That said, if you do, dont come running to me. Not that youll be able to since youre still stuck in a maze, decomposing.Navigate a series of mazes and attempt to reach the goal in as short a time as possible. The game features 3 difficulty levels, so if you like your maze to be simple or complex, you will find a maze that suits you.Each difficulty level features 5,000 mazes to keep you busy whilst hiding in the toilet avoiding work or ignoring your partner whom you long since fell out of love with.There is also a daily maze, allowing you to compete against others online to see who can complete the maze in the fastest time.Controls are simple, you can either use the directional pad to move around the maze, or simply swipe on the maze itself to move. The directional pad can also be swapped from left to right so you can choose which side suits best.Lost in the maze? Simply tap on Show Route to be shown the path along the maze to the goal.You can also customise the colour of the exit, maze, player icon and user interface to make your maze exploration as personal as possible.Maze Game is a fun way to pass the time for all ages up to 80 years.Seriously though, if you ever find yourself stuck in a maze, there are normally hidden panels in the hedge walls that you can lift up, directing you to the exit. So use those instead succumbing to hunger and exposure and mentally scarring a small child who comes across your dissolving flesh whilst trying to locate the source of that strange smell deep within the maze.